Schlagwort-Archive: abdominals

Day 339: Table-Kicks

I called today’s exercise to train the supporting strength, the abdominals, the body tense and the legsTable-Kicks“, because I start in the table position (Sitting on the floor with the hands behind my bottom and bend legs I lift my waist up until my body is in one line from the shoulders to the knees) and kick alternately and as fast as possible upwards with my legs.


Have fun!

Day 329: Keep the feet on the ground

To train my abdominals and the supporting strength today I sit with straight and closed legs on the floor. My hands are right next to my bottom with the fingertips looking forward. Now I lift my bottom up as high as possible and hold the position. This is a great preliminary exercise for the L-sit.


Good workout!

Day 328: Wood chopping

Because I don’t have a wood stove I don’t have to chop wood. Nonetheless the movement of wood chopping – also without an axe – is a great workout for the arms, the shoulders and the lateral abdominals.



Day 309: Rolling up

To strengthen my abdominals today I lay on a bench on my back and hold my self with the hands next to my head on the bench. My bottom is at the end of the bench and my feet are still on the floor. Now I bend my knees, lift my feet in the air and roll my legs up until my knees are right over my chest. Afterwards I go almost back into the starting position stopping my feet just over the ground. And then I start over again!


Good workout!